Do you know that insecure feeling where you are obsessed with what other people think of you? When you think you have to meet the world's standards and impress people? your parents, friends, or peers. I sure do. That is one reason why I am doing this fast. God convicted me of putting the world and the people around me above him. I was so concerned with what others thought..instead of Gods opinion.
Galations 1:10
"am I now trying to win the approval of men, or of God? Or am I trying to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ."
I am a servant of Christ. That means my identity is in Him. Not in the world...Jesus.
I wanted to be considered "beautiful" in the worlds eyes. But that's not important. My goal should not be on outward beauty but on inward. I now will use the time I spent on my physical appearance, on my spiritual one. I want to be spiritually beautiful.
This reminds me of a favorite song I had way back when by Bethany Dillon called "Beautiful".
"I want to be beautiful. Make you stand in awe. Look inside my heart. And be amazed. I want to hear you say. Who I am is quite enough. I want to be worthy of love. And beautiful."
criminal energy
8 hours ago
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