I had an interesting conversation with Jesus this morning. I was getting ready for the day and I was in a good mood so I was praying as I was washing my face and such. I was about to put on makeup then God convicted me. "Ali, which is more important?spending time with me? Or putting on makeup?" I stopped in my tracks, guilty. I realized how much time I spent in front of the mirror every morning, not because I was vain in the sense that I thought I was so gorgeous, but because I was trying to please the world. I looked in the mirror. No makeup. Naked. I knew I He was right. I had been using the time God had given me in the morning to try to fit the world's standards, not Gods, and please the world, not God. It was difficult for me, but I decided to go with no makeup; naked.
This is day one on my fast from makeup. I haven't felt this close to God in a while. It's very freeing and lovely. I know this will become more difficult for me. I know that I will be attacked spiritually. But I also know that He is with me every breath I take, every step I take, He is all I need.
criminal energy
8 hours ago
fasts from things other than food are often so much more personal. i will be praying for you during this time. i'm sure you will learn a lot.