I am now 1/3 done with my fast. It doesn't seem like much, but it also seems like a long time.
In Ezra 8:21 it talks about an army fasting so they may become humble before God.
Now, something I love to do is look up definitions of words. Sometimes when we say a word so often, it takes on a different meaning in our minds. So I looked up the word "humble". It had several meanings.
One was, "marked by meekness or modesty". That makes sense. A person who is humble isnt bragging or anything. The next one was, "low and infererior in station or quality". Hmmm ok.
And the last one was: "cause to feel shame". Cause to feel shame? Really? But then I thought about it and this definition is right. I did feel shame. That morning when God convicted me I felt awful. I had put something of this world in front of Him. And that's something to be ashamed of. Lord humble me in my shame..and in my nakedness.
criminal energy
8 hours ago
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