Many people ask...why scar girl?
I have always been fascinated with scars. I do not have that many, but I still think they are incredible looking. Everyone has scars; whether they are external or internal. Unlike most people, I notice scars on others and I ask about them. This might seem very strange to some, but it is what I do. This gets the other person talking and most likely presents a story on how they recieved that scar.
Sometimes it was from when they were a little kid and they just fell and scraped their arm or knee. Sometimes it is from a bike or car accident. Sometimes it is from past surgery. Sometimes it is from something off the wall. I start a conversation, and I get to know a little something about that person. I see their past. I see what they struggled through. I see how it has molded them into who they are today. It's a great experience and a good conversation starter.
My best guy friend is the one who first called me scar girl. Later it was just morphed into one word "Skg". The name stuck and she always calls me that. It is a nickname that my close friends call me.
I hope you are inspired by my poetry. It is written from my heart.
Scars tell a story. They show your past and what you have overcome. They show who you are today and how you arrived there. They are your victories in life.
Welcome to the magical world of scar girl. I hope you enjoy your stay.
4 hours ago