My 30 Days Blog:
Up until this year, I have never really fasted from anything before. Once, when I was little, I fasted from lunch. I told my mom that God wanted me to. Being a constantly ravenous child, I am sure this was difficult for me at the time. But I don't remember other times I have fasted. A few years ago I did the thirty hour famine, but it wasn't a highlight in my life.
In April of 2010 God spoke to me and told me to fast from makeup. Ever since then I have been striving to look more like Him. I have been striving to deny myself, take up my cross, and follow Him; denying my selfish desires and trying to put Him first in my life. I am not going to lie. It is stinkin hard. But Jesus never said it would be easy, He just said it would be worth it.
In June I was convicted again and I fasted from facebook for 30 days.
God searched my heart again. And I began 30 days of being in the Word.
You can read all about it on my blog 30 days of You (
(30 days naked is on this blog)
Anomalous Blog
Anomalous means deviating from or inconsistent with the common order, form, or rule. The word typically is used in a positive rather than negative way. When I think of this word I think of the picture of the ocean and all the fish going one way and one fish going the opposite way.
As a Christ follower I am not supposed to be like everyone else. I am different. I am not following the world and how it works, I am following God. That is what this blog is about. It is about how I'm striving to do that and what the Lord is teaching me.
4 hours ago