If the name Sarah Camille doesn't ring a bell, I don't think you will forget it soon after this. Sarah is a Christian Acoustic music artist who is hoping to, "...write from a stand-point where people from a lot of stages of life can relate to what I'm feeling or see God how I do."
According to her Manager, Caleb Smith, she is a very unique musician."She writes her own music. She plays more instruments than the common recording artists. She doesn’t write her songs with the intention of having fame and fortune. She writes her songs to open up about herself and to reach out to people. She continues to do the complete opposite in how a typical recording artist acts, records, etc. She is her own person and she makes sure that everyone acknowledges that," he stated.
Sarah has been playing music since longer than she can remember and now she plays six instruments, not including her voice: the guitar, violin, piano, mandolin, saxophone, and french horn. She says her inspiration was her siblings, they were the reason why she wanted to play music. "I idolized my siblings, so they were the ones who got me interested," she said.
She began playing violin when she was four years old and has performed for a variety of audiences since then. In fact, one of the first times that Caleb Smith heard Sarah perform was when she was playing violin many years ago, way before he ever thought of being her manager, or anyone's for that matter. But God's plan was at work. Sarah began writing her own songs when she was in fifth grade. She started because of her older sister who played guitar and also wrote songs. The first time she performed one of her own songs was in 6th grade. "the first time I performed a song I had written was at a youth camp in 6th grade. I was so nervous. I was positive I was going to forget the words, but it worked out just fine. A friend of mine sang it with me, so that made it even better."
As many do, Sarah did dream of recording her music some day. "The opportunity arose from my former violin teacher's husnband. He had a recording studio in their house, and after I played them a few songs I had written, they told me I had to record," sarah explained. Sarah recorded her songs and now has an EP out on itunes, amazon, and other places on the web thanks to her signing with Failcookie Records, managed by Caleb Smith. You can buy her album here at amazon:
. Failcookie has also placed her on many other places on the web. "I promote her through Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, PureVolume, Amazon, iTunes, iLike, ReverbNation, and a few other small places that are just trial places than anything," Smith explained.
Sarah's EP album is called "All I need". Sarah recalled that she was writing a song about Jesus Christ's crucifixion when it seemed so utterly depressing. "Then it hit me: God's Love!! Nice cheery subject to sing about. I started thinking about the old time movies with girls picking the petals off of flowers saying 'He loves me. He loves me not.' But God isn't like that! He loves us 24/7 no matter what. Why would we settle for less?" That is when she wrote the title song of the album.
Sarah's passion for music and her Lord and Savior bring a refreshing, inspiring sound to her music that I think many will enjoy. Sarah explained that she writes many different kinds of songs. She writes songs to vent, which are just for her. She writes songs about friends, family, and even her upcoming graduation. But she says that the songs she records will benefit the people who listen. "Sometimes I write to vent, and that song shouldn't ever be replayed. I remember a specific event when I had written a song after a fight with a friend, and when he asked for a clean slate, I tore the song out of my notebook and threw it away."
From talking to sarah, I believe that her highest priority is to please God. In her song writing she says: "Sometimes God reveals himself to me, and I write a song of awe."
"She doesn’t write songs in hope that they become huge hits, like most artists," Smith says. "instead, she writes about her feelings and her thoughts. Her songs are lyrics she wrote, they are played to the tune and rhythm of her feelings. She plays some very spiritual music and has the potential to reach out to people who may not even be looking for Christ at that time in their lives, or even know who He is. This is why I support Sarah and her music."
When asked what Sarah Camille has planned for the future, Smith says, "In the near future, we plan to take Sarah Camille to a new level of achievements that yet to be recognized. We expect her first full length album to be out sometime next year. We want her to play at concerts outside the local area (state wide). We also want to see Sarah come out with merchandise that will spark some attention."
Smith sees huge possibilites for sarah. "Sarah [has] the potential to play as a recording artist and go beyond the expectation that I could ever have with her. When the option appeared to become her manager, I didn’t hesitate to take charge at the opportunity to chase after a dream of mine that I have had for a while."
These are the basic hopes for Sarah Camille in the near future, and they seem to be very realistic, but Sarah's primary concern is this: "I would love to tell you that Sarah Camille knows what's happening in the future, but only God knows. I plan to ride this career as far as it takes me, and as long as I feel it is an adequate witness for Christ. The rest is in God's hands, and I plan to follow Him where He leads."
I encourage you to check out Sarah Camille's music on Myspace, itunes, Amazon, or anywhere else! This girl can sing; and she sings her heart out for the Lord.
What a great write-up and testimony to Sarah's great talent! I wish her much success, and KNOW that God will use her mightily.