This is it: the last day. I have officially worn no makeup for thirty days; I have been naked. I took off my mask that I used to hide myself in front of the world and chose to be humble before God; beautifying myself spiritually in His Word instead of physically for the world. Using the time in the morning that I used to put on makeup, to instead, pray and read the Word. This fast that seemed so daunting at the beginning is now over and I have conquered it. I don't need a mask. I am me; Ali, a daughter of the King of the universe. That is nothing to hide. I have learned so much in the past thirty days as you may have seen through my past blog posts.
This was a huge experience for me; not only because of the thing that I was fasting from, but because I was fasting period. The last time I remembered fasting was the 30 hour famine when I didn't eat for 30 hours. And really...I don't think I grew much from that experience. All I remember was that I was really hungry.
I do remember the first time I fasted...or I remember the story my mom told me. I was quite little and I just told my mom I wasn't going to eat with the family at lunch that day because I felt like God wanted me to fast. Yes, seems quite silly. I don't think it was anything like this fast. But I do think it was me, as a child, listening to God and obeying Him. It was God training me for the future...learning to not only listen to Him, but obey. Obeying Him when I heard Him that morning telling me to fast from makeup was extremely difficult..I'm not going to lie. But it was so worth it. A quote I heard lately is: "When God says 'no' to something, it's because He's saying 'yes' to something better." God's plan is so much better than my own. I only need to listen and obey.
I'm very proud of you :)
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry I haven't kept up with this...Ali, you are amazing. Reading through this amazes me at your maturity and how much you've grown and how much you've learned. I'm so blessed to be your BFF and I'm so stoked for the future. Love you truck loads and tons. ;) But seriously, Ali, this is really good stuff. keep it up.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations, Ali...may the lessons God taught you through these thirty days be only the springboard to His wonders for the rest of your life! A listening heart is the most important thing to have...and you have that!