They say love is patient and kind
I don’t know about you
But I must be blind
They say it does not envy
They say it does not boast
But I see people steal and brag
Every single day almost
They say Love is not proud
But everybody is
They cannot accept the truth
Or admit they were wrong
They say it is not rude
But who opens doors anymore
Who says thank you or please
Or even burps but says excuse me
They say that love is not selfish
But I don’t know anyone who is not
They think only of themselves
They hold back when asked to do something
Something that would never benefit them
They say love is not easily angered
But I see angry people all the time
I hear the cars honking and the people yelling
Profanities and cursing come quickly to every mouth
They say love does not keep a record of wrongs
But grudges are held
No matter how small the deed
Things are brought up
Even if forgiveness was asked on their knees
They say love does not delight in evil
But I’ve seen today’s media
I’ve seen the movies that portray
Every bad guy as the prey
Porn and violence and language and drugs
No one rejoices in good or truth
Every one has their own version of the truth
They say love always protects
But I hear stories of beatings and murders and devilish deeds
No one cares about another’s needs
They say love always trusts
But no one trusts me
No benefit of the doubt
Always guilty
They say Love always hopes
But I see a world that has lost its hope
They say love always perseveres
But I see divorces every single day
They say love never fails
But look It just did
criminal energy
1 hour ago
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