Thursday, July 1, 2010

Already Dead

I'm so restless
Please give me peace
I don't know where to go
And I can't even breathe
I've heard it said "Lord quiet my heart"
But it's already dead
No beating in here
Just a body in the grave
Turning back and forth
Life is what I crave


  1. & when your heart goes black
    It does take life away
    then there no going back

  2. This was one of my favorites, I haven't read them all yet. At least you know you need to be brought to life, so many people walk around not knowing there dead, so they put no efforts into waking up. I Thank God for His Love & His Holy Spirit & the power of the cross in this life!!! Papa God will hear and answer you prayers!!!

  3. ooohhh, this one's good, Ali. good good good. like like like. awesome.
