Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Twins

 The taste of cranberry juice was on my lips
as we ran down the carpeted stairs.
My brothers smiled and giggled,
urging my mom to turn on the T.V.
Buzz Lightyear would be on soon.
My brothers’ happy matching faces
snuggled with me on the faded yellow love seat,
and I sat between the twins.
My mom’s face dropped,
as she stared at the screen.
The towering twins,
fiery and smoking,
stood tall, but shaking.
My face flushed,
and I gagged on the cranberry aftertaste.
Unaware, my brothers begged to change the channel.
Looking to my mom for hope,
I saw her gasp and gawk,
brow furrowed, lips pursed,
and I held tight to the twins. 

Constellation Eyes

I go back to that silent evening
when we were more than friends,
but less than lovers.
Outside, we stood inches apart,
gazing at the stars.
You pointed out Orion’s belt;
I looked, but couldn’t see the shape.
Wind gently played with my hair.
You calmed it with your soft touch,
tucking it behind my ear.
All I wondered was if you loved me,
but I just smiled and nodded
and stared at your brown eyes
that sparkled brighter than your constellations.
Night grew colder and I wanted to step closer.
You offered me your jacket
and slipped it on over my shoulders.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Dream Dance

I see you in my dreams at night.
You take my hand and spin me in to dance.
I’ve never been so light on my feet
than that night that I was asleep.
I can barely breathe
in this vortex of you.
I see straw, tin, and lion fur,
and hear your cackling laughter.
Face me with your nose;
make me think I am in control.
I will always be here,
caught in this twister.
Hold me close and I look in your eyes,
red as rubies in the night.
Blink and I’ll be home. 

Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Hanging

They drape the noose around his neck 
like a garland of flowers,
welcoming him to his fate. 
People gather around
as if watching a play,
waiting for its climax.
The criminal accepts the gift,
head down, eyes closed, with a smile 
on his face.
The he falls like a skydiver 
with no parachute.
The audience applauds as he lands,